‘You have power over your mind — not outside events.
Realize this, and you will find strength.’
— Marcus Aurelius
bullyball — an oasis for critical thinking
we are all 1/1
every day is a great day to learn something new about the world — and oneself.
the goal of stories published in bullyball via the co1/1ection is to delve into uncomfortable social issues from all perspectives.
there is no incentive to discuss topics that impact a wide range of people — without actually talking to those impacted.
the approach of bullyball is to examine social issues through the lens of a professional athlete or notable figure, before then exploring that same social issue with someone else who has been personally and negatively impacted by it.
following that, bullyball gains immersive insight from a leading mind, expert, or educator on the given social issue to better comprehend the nuances and complexities of how it impacts others.
our authors will reflect on personal experience with the social issue, openly and transparently.
no one is perfect, and learning about, writing about, and informing others of these topics does not excuse the author from admitting and apologizing for past transgressions or ignorance that likely harmed others, nor from committing to pragmatic actions moving forward to best help those impacted.
by carrying out this practice, the author undertakes an educational experience alongside the reader, and all who engage with the content can learn something.
hopefully, bullyball can work to help everybody learn something new about the world — and themselves — today.